2013-12-14 13-32-14
Tents drying in our back yard
2013-12-14 13-32-17
Tents drying in our back yard
2013-01-31 15-43-39
Charlottes play dough creation
2013-12-14 13-32-46
Charlotte playing in the hike tent
2013-01-31 15-42-10
Nicholas's play dough turtle
2013-04-09 08-32-42
The bottom of a Hubbards muesli box
2013-12-14 13-32-06
Tents drying in our back yard
2013-12-28 14-56-53
Charlotte holding a giant snail shell
2013-04-18 10-23-41
The Hikitia floating crane being pushed home from a Job
2013-12-14 13-32-33
Charlotte playing in the hike tent
2013-04-18 10-24-22
The Hikitia floating crane being pushed home from a Job
2013-01-20 20-02-07
Charlotte playing
2013-04-14 18-06-19
Rob showing Nicholas how the cooker works
2013-01-20 15-59-57
Hides behind the upper dam at the Karori Sanctuary