August 2019
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October 2019
2019-09-26 17-12-58
Peonies sprouting
2019-09-29 10-29-01
Pear blossom
2019-09-18 08-51-09
Quince tree with a branch growing out of it's flower
2019-09-14 07-44-45
Peonies sprouting
2019-09-18 08-51-14
Quince in flower
2019-09-29 18-55-28
Charlotte's room all insulated
2019-09-30 01-08-32
Charlotte's room with half the gib on the ceiling
2019-09-26 17-13-03
Peonies sprouting
2019-09-05 08-52-36
Apricot tree in flower
2019-09-26 18-10-14
Minature Rata climbing down the wall
2019-09-29 10-29-35
Peonies sprouting
2019-09-30 07-07-44
Charlotte playing on the couch bed
2019-09-30 13-54-18
Charlotte infront of the hard and soft World of Wearable art car
2019-09-26 18-09-52
A Peony getting ready to flower
2019-09-24 08-13-55
A puriri moth and it's eggs