2020-12-23 12-51-14
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-23 12-51-31
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-23 12-50-38
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-23 12-51-16
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-15 08-18-451
Last day of school fro 2020 and Nicholas's last day at Otari School
2020-12-23 20-37-40
Putting up the christmas tree
2020-12-22 22-01-46
The boys sitting together
2020-12-22 18-19-1
Christopher & Alexander watching a movie with Eddie
2020-12-26 14-51-18
A turtle at the National Aquarium
2020-12-26 14-50-42
Charlotte with a turtle at the National Aquarium
2020-12-22 18-19-48
Eddie watching videos with Christopher and Alexander
2020-12-24 11-04-47
Nicholas & Eddie playing games at Nanna's
2020-12-06 12-04-40
Rachel dressed up to level the ceiling in the hall
2020-12-22 18-29-55
Eddie watching videos with Christopher
2020-12-26 14-56-11
A shark at the National Aquarium