2018-12-21 23-25-32
Rachel working on the quilt for William Sweeney
2018-12-30 03-19-30
Eddie ready to go tho the Australian Jamboree
2018-12-01 12-38-49-2018-12-01 12-39-08
Looking accross the bay from the Tjibaou Cultural Centre
2018-12-02 06-19-04
Rob at Canons du Ouen Toro
2018-12-27 17-17-18
Charlotte on Nicholas' Bike
2018-12-27 17-17-37
Charlotte on Nicholas' Bike
2018-12-01 12-31-56
Rob looking through a carving at the Tjibaou Cultural Centre
2018-12-21 23-23-48
Trix and Dawn on William's qiilt
2018-12-31 13-42-18
2018-12-20 14-09-52
Charlotte painting
2018-12-01 16-45-57
Cockatiels at Noumea Zoo
2018-12-01 16-52-08
Albino peacock at Noumea Zoo
2018-12-10 23-51-44
Pile of fur from combing the rabbits
2018-12-26 13-01-28
Charlotte & Lynda in the garden
2018-12-01 17-01-40
Albino peacock at Noumea Zoo