2016-02-25 07-21-20
Coco sitting next to Charlottes toy dog
2016-02-24 06-35-34
New lighting on the steps between Garden Road and Ornagi Kaupapa Road
2016-02-23 19-59-43
2016-02-22 16-27-44
Charlotte sleeping on a bean bag
2016-02-21 12-57-54
Charlotte in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 12-59-34
Hollie in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 12-59-52
Nicholas in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-00-18
Nicholas in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-00-58
Rob in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-01-11
Rob in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-01-12
Rob in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-01-14
Rob in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-03-16
Rob Digging the hole for the extra clothesline post
2016-02-21 13-03-21
Rob Digging the hole for the extra clothesline post
2016-02-21 13-04-35
Rob Digging the hole for the extra clothesline post