2002-05-18 22-41-47
People at the party
2002-05-18 22-12-30
Mum Dave and Dan
2002-05-18 22-14-07
Pip and Dave cutting the cake
2002-05-28 10-19-58
The New Zealanders getting their hands moulded for the sculpture
2002-05-27 17-41-42
The New Zealand group ready to leave Wellington
2002-05-19 00-26-01
Jennie and Rachel
2002-05-28 10-23-05
The New Zealanders getting their hands moulded for the sculpture
2002-05-18 22-12-18
Dave and Dan
2002-05-29 15-25-25
Soldiers coming through a performance on the train back from Dorasan
2002-05-31 15-07-24
Cannon inside the turtle ship