2002-08-31 09-42-30
Lynne waiting for her turn
2002-08-14 22-27-59
Rachel taking a break from painting
2002-08-31 18-11-22
Ross Jordan AKA Dave
2002-08-31 17-16-38
Dave going for a drive
2002-08-31 16-25-58
Dave between sessions
2002-08-31 08-42-07
Washing up from breakfast
2002-08-31 16-25-40
Dave between sessions
2002-08-28 21-52-53
Yoda in bed!!
2002-08-31 09-21-58
Dave conducting
2002-08-31 09-49-18
Dave filling in time with Pip in the background
2002-08-31 09-31-33
Dave conducting
2002-08-14 22-27-26
Tina, Rachel, and Jarrad painting the posh parlour
2002-08-25 00-05-52
Yoda asleep on top of the clothes basket
2002-08-31 09-15-33
Dave conducting
2002-08-25 00-06-11
AJ Curled up on Rachel's polar fleece