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2014-01-01 15-01-23
Charlotte, Eddie & Nicholas in the life raft at NZ20 Scout Jamboree
2014-01-01 14-57-00
Eddie, Charlotte & Nicholas in the blow up boat at NZ20 Scout Jamboree
2014-01-01 15-01-22
Charlotte, Eddie & Nicholas in the life raft at NZ20 Scout Jamboree
2014-01-01 15-01-25
Charlotte, Eddie & Nicholas in the life raft at NZ20 Scout Jamboree
2013-12-31 17-15-48-2013-12-31 17-16-21
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-20
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-06
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-16
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-15-48
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-15-51
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-21
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-11
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-14
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-07
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container
2013-12-31 17-16-13
Looking out over the jamboree site from the top of our container