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2019-12-29 09-54-19
Charlotte's hair in braids
2020-01-16 21-51-55
Charlotte learning to Chrochet
2019-12-29 10-37-53
Charlotte's hair in braids
2019-09-30 07-07-44
Charlotte playing on the couch bed
2019-12-28 18-33-08
Charlotte's hair in braids
2013-01-20 20-02-07
Charlotte playing
2019-07-05 07-28-47
Charlote making lunch
2020-09-06 18-47-45
Charlottes hair in a French braid
2019-04-13 16-17-50
The hair tie that Nicholas made for Charlotte at sewing
2019-06-22 13-26-52
Charlotte in her netball uniform
2019-10-09 16-49-53
Playing on the trompoline
2019-10-09 16-55-48
Charlotte playing on the trompoline
2016-02-21 12-57-54
Charlotte in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-09-27 17-20-50
Charlotte's hair style
2020-01-03 13-46-03
Charlotte after taking her hair out of braids