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2015-03-23 14-06-08
The pineapple plant.
2015-02-09 20-05-59
A dried Pike fish found at the beach
2015-03-22 12-12-29
A helecopter winching display at the Life Flight Open Day
2015-03-06 17-13-06
Shipping containers floating in the harbour after being blowen off the wharf
2015-03-22 12-12-11
A helecopter winching display at the Life Flight Open Day
2015-09-15 15-30-45
Apricot tree in blossom.
2015-10-14 11-28-04
Daffodil in flower.
2015-10-14 11-28-32
Freesia flower.
2015-10-14 11-28-50
Front garden.
2015-10-14 11-29-31
Brambles in blossom.
2015-10-14 11-29-58
Potatoes sprouting.
2015-10-17 18-00-14
Our double grafted Cherry tree in blossom.
2015-03-06 17-08-31
Shipping containers floating in the harbour after being blowen off the wharf
2015-03-21 17-54-32
Parliament buildings.
2015-03-22 12-09-55
A helecopter winching display at the Life Flight Open Day