2016-07-30 12-00-011
AJ and Molly sitting together
2016-07-28 19-02-071
AJ sitting off the hard ground
2016-07-22 09-52-451
2016-07-22 11-53-581
2016-07-22 11-54-181
AJ wearing her heart on her sleeve
2016-07-17 21-26-54
AJ and Yoda on the bed
2016-07-06 12-38-561
AJ and Yoda
2015-10-29 11-01-33
AJ and Cocoa on the catbed.
2015-10-29 11-01-49
Cocoa and AJ on the cat bed.
2015-09-03 20-28-27
AJ on top of a sleeping Charlotte.
2015-07-15 15-21-07
AJ and Cocoa on the bed.
2015-05-21 20-44-36
Yoda, Cocoa & Yoda on the bed
2015-05-21 20-44-46
Yoda, Cocoa & Yoda on the bed
2015-04-17 15-43-24
AJ and Cocoa on the catbed.
2015-02-05 08-13-16
Cocoa & AJ sleeping together on the bed