2023-01-09 09-09-06.00
Nicholas & Eddie on their bunks in the lounge while their room was being renovated
2021-02-07 16-18-30
Nicholas and Eddie putting together their chairs
2021-02-05 07-58-25
Nicholas ready for his first day at Onslow College
2021-01-27 19-36-55
Nicholas with the cats
2020-12-22 11-07-47
Eddie & Nicholas's feet compared
2020-12-22 22-01-46
The boys sitting together
2020-12-17 21-34-01
New gib in the lounge
2020-12-12 17-00-2
Nicholas using the gib lifter int he lounge
2020-12-12 17-00-39
Nicholas playing with the gib lifter
2020-12-12 17-00-54
Nicholas playing with the gib lifter
2020-11-08 19-42-38
Nicholas after a haircut
2020-11-08 20-18-58
Nicholas after a haircut
2020-11-08 20-19-03
Nicholas after a haircut
2020-11-08 20-19-07
Nicholas after a haircut
2020-11-08 20-19-131
Nicholas after a haircut