2016-02-03 08-33-22
Charlotte, Nicholas & Eddie ready for their first day at Otari School
2016-02-03 08-33-53
Charlotte, Nicholas & Eddie ready for their first day at Otari School
2016-02-12 07-52-52
Charlotte and Nicholas being cute.
2016-02-21 12-59-52
Nicholas in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-21 13-00-18
Nicholas in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-23 19-59-43
2016-06-04 22-40-071
Cocoa and Nicholas
2016-06-04 22-40-171
Cocoa and Nicholas
2016-06-12 18-34-201
Nicholas posing with his gun
2016-06-29 13-41-221
Cocoa's grave diggers
2016-12-13 16-45-56
Nick and Charlotte watching the tablet together