2014-03-18 09-42-10
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-12
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-13
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-05-04 16-57-43
Charlotte & Nicholas playing in the lounce
2014-05-04 16-57-50
Charlotte & Nicholas playing in the lounce
2014-05-04 16-57-53
Charlotte & Nicholas playing in the lounce
2014-05-04 16-58-01
Charlotte & Nicholas playing in the lounce
2014-05-11 13-34-50
Nicholas eating pop-corn
2014-11-17 21-10-21
AJ sitting on Nicholas
2014-12-15 00-15-25
Charlotte & Nicholas sleeping together
2014-12-15 00-15-39
Charlotte & Nicholas sleeping together
2014-12-15 00-24-06
Charlotte & Nicholas sleeping together
2014-12-19 21-12-14
Nicholas showing off his gap
2014-12-19 21-53-00
Nicholas's first tooth to come out
2014-12-20 08-08-20
Nicholas with his money from the tooth fairy