2019-02-12 07-13-12
Charlotte & NIcholas with their birthday presents
2018-03-17 21-03-54
Nicholas and Charlotte cuddled up in the lounge
2016-12-13 16-45-56
Nick and Charlotte watching the tablet together
2015-06-21 17-19-53
Charlotte and Nicholas showing off for the camera.
2015-05-20 16-41-41
Eddie & Nicholas dressed up as Ana & Elsa
2014-12-15 00-24-06
Charlotte & Nicholas sleeping together
2014-05-04 16-57-43
Charlotte & Nicholas playing in the lounce
2014-03-18 09-42-08
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-10
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-12
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-13
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2013-10-12 15-46-46
Rob putting one of the posts in for the new clothes line
2013-04-22 19-01-52
Nicholas & Charlotte
2013-01-31 15-44-24
Nicholas & Charlotte playing in the lounge
2013-01-19 08-20-40
Nicholas, Charlotte & Eddie on couch watching TV