2016-05-26 08-23-26
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-05-26 08-23-30
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-05-26 08-24-25
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-05-26 08-24-36
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-05-26 08-24-39
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-05-26 08-24-40
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-05-26 08-24-42
Charlotte holding Cocoa in a basket
2016-01-10 20-46-14
Charlotte with Cocoa in bed.
2015-12-02 19-12-01
Charlotte after a hard day at school.
2015-09-15 21-38-33
Charlotte sleeping with Cocoa
2015-08-21 16-20-13
Charlotte sleeping with Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-23
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-25
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-28
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-38
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa