2015-08-09 12-37-48
Rob, Eddie, Charlotte and Nicholas deconstructing the old sofa.
2015-08-21 16-20-13
Charlotte sleeping with Cocoa
2015-09-03 20-28-27
AJ on top of a sleeping Charlotte.
2015-09-15 21-38-33
Charlotte sleeping with Cocoa
2015-11-17 17-18-54
Charlotte on the trampoline.
2015-12-02 19-12-01
Charlotte after a hard day at school.
2015-12-15 18-29-19
Charlotte dressed up to be a Kaka.
2015-12-19 12-18-52
Rachel with her incenerator
2016-01-10 20-46-14
Charlotte with Cocoa in bed.
2016-01-18 12-55-51
Charlotte as a tiger.
2016-02-03 08-33-22
Charlotte, Nicholas & Eddie ready for their first day at Otari School
2016-02-03 08-33-53
Charlotte, Nicholas & Eddie ready for their first day at Otari School
2016-02-12 07-52-52
Charlotte and Nicholas being cute.
2016-02-21 12-57-54
Charlotte in the hole for the extra clothes line post
2016-02-22 16-27-44
Charlotte sleeping on a bean bag