2015-01-17 11-30-17
AJ and Cocoa on the Window sill
2015-01-18 09-34-02
Cocoa sitting ontop of AJ
2015-01-18 09-34-11
Cocoa sitting ontop of AJ
2015-01-18 15-18-21
AJ and Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-20 08-11-37
AJ and Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-20 08-11-54
AJ and Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-24 16-20-27
Nicholas pushubg Cocoa in the toy buggy
2015-01-28 13-55-11
Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-28 13-55-13
Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-28 13-56-40
Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-28 13-57-08
Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-28 13-57-11
Cocoa on the bed
2015-01-28 13-59-51
Rachel and Cocoa
2015-01-28 14-00-41
Rachel and Cocoa
2015-01-28 14-09-41
Charlotte and Cocoa