2019-12-30 22-22-51
Charlotte brushing her teeth through the hole in the bathroom wall
2019-01-03 19-07-44
Getting ready to put cabinets up by the front door
2019-01-02 23-09-52
Testing the stud finder
2019-01-01 23-40-07
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-03 22-41-06
New Cabinets up by the front door
2019-01-02 22-47-14
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-11-29 20-00-03
Eddie after the desrtuction and cleanup
2019-01-02 15-12-23
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-01 14-21-55
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-01 14-24-17
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-01 14-29-30
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-01 14-22-47
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-01 14-29-04
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-01 23-39-12
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door
2019-01-02 15-11-59
Fixing the area where the chimney was by the front door