2013-12-25 11-39-08
Nicholas playing on the new trompoline
2015-12-25 06-58-24
Nicholas opening presents
2013-12-25 11-39-09
Nicholas playing on the new trompoline
2015-12-25 07-51-39
Nicholas on Christmas morning
2011-12-25 07-24-16
Nicholas looking at his new aircraft carrier
2013-12-25 07-14-54
Nicholas & Eddie opening their presents
2017-12-25 06-26-36
Santa sack time
2015-12-25 06-51-01
Going down the stairs Christopher style
2017-12-25 16-06-54
Alexander & Nicholas playing at Rathdroma
2013-12-25 07-15-12
Nicholas pretending to be Santa
2020-12-24 11-04-47
Nicholas & Eddie playing games at Nanna's
2013-12-25 18-46-00
Nicholas & Charlotte eating turkey
2015-12-25 13-42-48
Nicholas & Greg on Christmas day
2009-12-24 17-22-33
Rob and the boys decorating the Christmas tree
2012-12-25 06-47-13
Nicholas, Charlotte & Eddie opening the presents from their santa sacks