2015-12-25 06-59-10
Charlotte opening presents from Santa
2013-12-25 07-15-05
Charlotte opening her presents
2013-12-25 11-38-05
Charlote playing on the new trompoline
2015-12-25 06-53-11
Charlotte opening presents from Santa
2015-12-25 07-39-21
Charlotte colouring in her new colouring in book
2015-12-25 06-51-01
Going down the stairs Christopher style
2017-12-25 06-28-06
Santa sack time
2013-12-25 18-45-43
Charlotte eating turkey
2013-12-25 07-15-12
Nicholas pretending to be Santa
2013-12-25 11-22-22
Rachel helping Eddie & Charlotte find the next clue in the hunt for the present from Grandma & Grandon
2013-12-25 18-46-00
Nicholas & Charlotte eating turkey
2012-12-25 15-28-00
Charlotte playing with her doll
2012-12-25 07-19-08
Charlotte playing
2012-12-25 06-47-13
Nicholas, Charlotte & Eddie opening the presents from their santa sacks
2012-12-25 08-59-14
Charlotte wearing her new book bag