2007-12-26 07-36-39
Edward & Rachel on the ferry on the way to Jamboree
2007-12-26 07-42-03
Edward & Rachel on the ferry on the way to Jamboree
2007-12-26 07-56-30
Edward on the ferry on the way to Jamboree
2007-12-27 09-43-52
2007-12-27 11-23-16
Jen & Amber
2007-12-27 18-39-31
Edward taking his "Trolley Trailer" for a walk
2007-12-27 18-39-49
Edward taking his "Trolley Trailer" for a walk
2007-12-28 15-35-03
Edward asleep on Rachel
2007-12-28 16-11-07
Edward asleep on Rachel
2007-12-28 16-11-07a
Edward asleep on Rachel
2007-12-28 16-25-50
Eddie eating chippies in the tent
2007-12-28 16-26-04
Eddie eating chippies in the tent
2007-12-28 19-46-56
Pirate Eddie
2007-12-28 19-53-23
Rachel & Eddie holding the pirate flag
2007-12-31 16-16-27
Eddie asleep in the frat tent