2007-12-25 07-33-06
Christmas Day at Rathdroma
2007-12-25 08-33-04
Christmas Day at Rathdroma
2007-12-25 08-29-48
Christmas Day at Rathdroma
2017-12-25 07-57-00
Santa sack time
2005-12-25 07-41-41
Present opening time
2007-12-25 09-02-53
Christmas Day at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-14
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-12-25 10-38-33
Eddie opening a present with Uncle Daniel and Nicholas watching
2009-12-24 17-22-47
Rob and the boys decorating the Christmas tree
2009-12-25 10-40-10
Eddie opening parcels from his Santa sack
2012-10-13 16-19-39
Lynne's 60th Birthday party
2017-12-25 06-17-44
Eddie & Christopher
2008-07-06 14-34-23
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 15-09-45
Don holding Nicholas and doing a puzzle
2007-12-25 07-33-31
Christmas Day at Rathdroma