2010-10-07 15-20-18
Charlotte Nic and Eddie on the bed
2017-11-05 21-23-45
Sparklers at Guy Fawkes
2014-05-31 12-58-49
Charlotte, Eddie & Nicholas on Te Ahumairangi Hill
2015-03-21 15-38-46
Eddie & Nicholas in the jumpseat at the Air New Zealand Exhibit at Te Papa
2013-01-19 08-20-40
Nicholas, Charlotte & Eddie on couch watching TV
2015-01-09 15-05-06
Eddie, Nicholas & Rachel out Geocaching on the South Coast
2015-12-26 10-12-44
Waiting for the tram at MOTAT
2014-04-29 13-58-24
Eddie, Charlotte & Nicholas playing on a rock on Te Ahumairangi hill
2010-10-07 15-19-43
Charlotte Nic and Eddie on the bed
2012-01-28 15-45-46
Eddie, Nicholas, and Charlotte sitting on the step eating ice blocks
2016-02-20 14-26-23
National Mudslide day 2016
2010-10-07 15-20-53
Charlotte Nic and Eddie on the bed
2012-01-28 15-45-09
Eddie, Nicholas, and Charlotte sitting on the step eating ice blocks
2010-10-07 15-20-54
Charlotte Nic and Eddie on the bed
2014-04-29 13-57-42
Eddie, Charlotte & Nicholas playing on a rock on Te Ahumairangi hill