2002-11-24 20-48-30
Judy getting a massage from Nigel
2002-11-16 20-02-46
Tina talking to Phil
2002-11-15 20-29-41
Natasha, Catherine, and Judy
2002-11-16 19-04-12
People waiting for their turn to get dinner
2002-11-16 20-14-34
Tony and Danny Webster
2002-11-15 21-13-38
People on the Friday night
2002-11-16 19-02-32
People getting dinner
2002-11-16 19-53-32
The cake
2002-11-16 20-28-26
Nigel getting things underway
2002-11-16 20-32-32
Tina saying a few words
2002-11-16 20-41-51
Natasha cleaning up Baz and Jeff's mess
2002-11-16 20-14-45
People talking after dinner
2002-11-16 20-38-30
The oldest (Jock) and the newest (Natasha) members of the crew cutting the cake
2002-11-16 20-15-23
Trying to warm the place up
2002-11-16 20-02-36
Everybody in the Southern Cross den