2019-09-17 20-58-15
Testing out the bridge built at Scouts
2019-09-17 20-58-22
Testing out the bridge built at Scouts
2019-09-17 20-58-24
Testing out the bridge built at Scouts
2019-09-17 20-58-46
Testing out the bridge built at Scouts
2019-11-07 18-26-40
Practising knot tying at Northland Cubs
2019-11-07 18-30-59
Practising knot tying at Northland Cubs
2019-11-07 18-43-25
Practising knot tying at Northland Cubs
2019-11-11 18-42-26
Northland Keas first-aid
2020-02-04 20-22-29
Nerf war at Northland Scouts
2020-02-04 20-23-31
Charlotte hiding during the Nerf war at Northland Scouts
2020-02-17 18-41-16
Making coloured Chapati at Northland Keas
2020-02-17 18-41-27
Colour powder ready to be dried out for a colour run
2020-02-17 18-55-56
Making coloured Chapati at Northland Keas
2020-02-18 20-31-38
Simon demonstrating bike maintainence at Northland Scouts
2020-02-18 20-31-59
Simon demonstrating bike maintainence at Northland Scouts