2017-04-18 10-06-42
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte going for a walk at Otari
2016-09-15 14-40-35
Charlotte's school play
2010-03-13 13-07-40
Eddie blowing out the candles on his birthday cake
2016-11-01 09-08-361
A Kaka in Otari bush
2010-03-13 13-11-36
Archie eating cake at Eddies birthday party
2010-03-13 12-50-05
The adults at Eddies birtday party
2010-03-13 12-49-23
Lunch time at Eddies birthday party
2020-11-14 18-36-39
Nicholas rolled up in a blanket
2009-12-08 19-31-59
Northland Scout Group end of year BBQ
2009-12-08 19-34-27
Nicholas running away at the Northland Scout Group end of year BBQ
2010-03-13 11-59-55
Eddie and his friends playing in the stream at his birthday party
2010-03-13 13-07-29
Singing happy birthday at Eddies party
2010-03-13 13-07-36
Singing happy birthday at Eddies party
2010-03-13 12-49-35
Lunch time at Eiddies birthday party
2009-12-08 19-31-58
Northland Scout Group end of year BBQ