2016-05-15 12-43-24
Seals playing at Matiu Somes Island
2016-05-15 14-42-53
Little huts artwork on Matiu Somes Island
2014-03-30 11-30-35
The light house on Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 13-22-39
The Warf at Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 10-10-52
Matiu/Somes Island from the ferry
2014-03-30 11-29-26
The lighthouse on Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 13-22-46
Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 11-38-33
A Weta hotel on Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 12-19-02
Northland Scout Group eating lunch on Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 11-38-27
A Weta hotel on Matiu/Somes Island
2016-05-15 12-20-00
Northland Scout Group trip to Matiu Somes Island
2014-03-30 11-30-25
Looking down on the rocks at Matiu/Somes Island
2014-03-30 11-42-13
The lighthouse on Matiu/Somes Island
2016-05-15 12-43-13
Seals playing at Matiu Somes Island
2014-03-30 12-19-31
Nicholas on Matiu/Somes Island