2011-12-24 11-10-46
Charlotte, Nicholas & Eddie sitting on a model elephant at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-10-53
Charlotte, Nicholas & Eddie sitting on a model elephant at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-28-17
A Kea at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-28-47
A Kea at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-28-48
A Kea at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-28-24
A Kea at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 10-53-13
Nicholas with his map at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-08-10
The boys sitting on a model elephant at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 12-25-27
A spotted Shag at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-34-57
Tane nui a Rangi carving at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-34-22
Tane nui a Rangi carving information sign at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 10-51-12
Looking accross the Pridelands at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 12-26-51
A spotted Shag at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 10-56-57
Giraffes, Rhinoceros and a Springbok in the Pridelands at Auckland Zoo
2011-12-24 11-02-30
A Rhinoceros in the Pridelands at Auckland Zoo