2014-02-12 07-08-31
Charlotte with her birthday present
2014-02-12 07-09-04
Nicholas with his new Watch
2014-02-23 14-04-223
National MudSlide Day 2014
2014-02-23 14-04-23
National MudSlide Day 2014
2014-02-23 15-00-021
National MudSlide Day 2014
2014-02-23 15-37-351
National MudSlide Day 2014
2014-02-23 15-37-352
National MudSlide Day 2014
2014-03-04 11-32-46
2014-03-10 11-10-06
Charlotte playing at Petone beach
2014-03-18 09-42-08
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-10
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-12
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-18 09-42-13
Charlotte, Eddie and Nicholas all dressed up for Ar Margs funeral
2014-03-23 13-37-07
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte blowing out their birthday candles
2014-03-23 13-37-08
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte blowing out their birthday candles