2015-12-26 10-16-42
On the tram at MOTAT
2015-12-25 06-53-11
Charlotte opening presents from Santa
2015-12-25 06-53-28
Nicholas opening presents
2015-12-24 11-25-38
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte at Kelly Tarlton's
2015-12-24 11-26-25
Rob, Rachel & Charlotte at Kelly Tarlton's
2015-12-23 12-55-54
Relaxing at PIp and Daves place
2015-12-18 09-00-06
Charlotte on her last day at Wadestown Side School.
2015-12-15 18-29-19
Charlotte dressed up to be a Kaka.
2015-11-21 15-55-52
Charlotte getting warm after playing on the lake at Group Camp
2015-11-21 15-56-31
Charlotte getting warm after playing on the lake at Group Camp
2015-11-17 17-18-54
Charlotte on the trampoline.
2015-11-14 14-41-01
Charlotte with her new shoes on.
2015-10-26 18-41-35
Charlotte giving Grandma cuddles because she has a broken ankle
2015-10-22 08-56-51
Charlotte's last time ringing the bell for the start of school at Wadestown Side School.
2015-07-25 11-31-23
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa