2017-12-25 20-02-30
Charlotte sitting on Rachel
2017-12-25 20-02-36
Charlotte sitting on Rachel
2017-11-25 17-04-58
Charlotte with her crazy hair and face paint at the Otari School fair
2017-11-13 19-00-231
Northland Keas
2017-11-13 19-00-232
Northland Keas
2017-11-04 08-43-45
Charlotte missing 2 front teeth
2017-11-04 08-44-16
Charlotte missing 2 front teeth
2017-11-02 18-19-34
Charlotte missing a front tooth
2017-11-01 21-43-58
Charlotte sleeping with her books
2017-10-29 13-30-56
Charlotte smelling a rose
2017-10-14 15-48-08
Charlotte, Reuben & Nicholas on the train at Avalon Park
2017-10-14 15-48-23
Charlotte, Reuben & Nicholas on the train at Avalon Park
2017-09-23 15-05-42
Charlotte laerning to Ski
2017-09-23 15-06-28
Charlotte laerning to Ski
2017-09-23 15-49-37
Nicholas Eddie & Charlotte on Mt Ruapehu