2019-11-08 17-13-58
2010-06-20 14-54-42
Charlotte in the car
2020-05-01 13-55-26
Charlotte in a box
2015-12-18 09-00-06
Charlotte on her last day at Wadestown Side School.
2020-04-23 15-40-56
Charlotte wearing protection
2017-04-24 09-03-01
Charlotte collecting eggs
2014-08-13 15-26-51
Eddie, Nicholas and Charlotte playing at the park
2021-03-02 16-30-86
Charlotte wearing Rob's hat at Otari School Camp
2014-08-13 15-27-04
Eddie, Nicholas and Charlotte playing at the park
2016-09-02 16-25-23
2021-02-03 07-50-42
2021-03-21 10-38-38
Vegetarian sausages at Lock Hut
2010-12-17 19-18-23
2018-04-19 18-01-29
Home grown Mushrooms
2019-03-17 20-13-12
Charlotte wearing eye makeup