2021-10-06 15-40-
Rob & Charlotte on a Crocodile bike
2012-08-24 14-42-39
Nicholas & Charlotte in a bed made in a plastic crate
2012-10-09 18-51-12
Charlotte wearing Grandmas shower cap that she was given be her girlfriends
2013-04-22 19-01-52
Nicholas & Charlotte
2013-07-27 12-08-51
Charlotte clipping her ticket at the Steam Incorporated open day
2019-11-11 18-42-26
Northland Keas first-aid
2015-11-21 15-55-52
Charlotte getting warm after playing on the lake at Group Camp
2010-12-24 17-06-58
Lynda feeding Charlotte
2017-05-14 10-30-43
Charlotte, Dawn & Trix
2015-03-21 15-37-50
Eddie & Charlotte in the jumpseat at the Air New Zealand Exhibit at Te Papa
2017-03-08 16-08-40
Nicholas, Charlotte & Lucy playing in the bushes
2011-11-13 09-13-34
Charlotte at Group Camp
2011-11-13 09-12-12
Charlotte at Group Camp
2013-01-19 08-20-40
Nicholas, Charlotte & Eddie on couch watching TV