2002-10-16 17-10-27
Adjust this time out and it should work better
2002-10-16 17-12-07
At the market place
2002-10-16 17-21-04
Interesting optics
2002-10-16 17-22-30
Long shoot
2002-10-16 17-23-25
Look at those optics
2002-10-16 17-49-22
At work in the market place
2002-10-16 18-09-39
Rob presenting the prizes from OPEN
2002-10-16 18-10-24
Presentation of Certificates from IEE
2002-10-16 18-10-57
Presentation of IEE first place certificates
2002-10-16 18-12-35
Presentation of IEE tidiest design prize