2019-03-23 12-12-44
Alexander, Charlotte and Christopher in the Polaris
2020-12-22 18-19-48
Eddie watching videos with Christopher and Alexander
2019-03-23 12-13-02
Alexander, Charlotte and Christopher in the Polaris
2022-10-15 13-27-43.00
Nicholas & Eddie swinging Christopher & Alexander on a basket swing
2020-12-22 18-19-1
Christopher & Alexander watching a movie with Eddie
2022-10-15 13-27-39.00
Nicholas & Eddie swinging Christopher & Alexander on a basket swing
2022-10-15 13-27-31.00
Nicholas & Eddie swinging Christopher & Alexander on a basket swing
2017-12-25 06-26-30
Santa sack time
2017-12-25 15-13-18
Alexander, Charlotte & Christopher sitting together
2017-12-25 10-23-19
Present time
2020-07-11 14-09-19
Down at the Otaki river