2017-01-20 15-11-07
Charlotte, Eddie and Nick playing on a merry-go-round
2017-01-20 15-11-07
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte playing on a roundabout
2017-03-08 16-08-39
Nicholas, Charlotte & Lucy playing in the bushes
2017-03-08 16-08-40
Nicholas, Charlotte & Lucy playing in the bushes
2017-03-27 15-21-18
Charlotte on a tractor
2017-03-27 15-21-32
Charlotte and her friend on a tractor
2017-03-27 15-22-24
Nicholas on a tractot
2017-03-27 15-22-32
Nicholas on a tractot
2017-04-18 10-00-06
Eddie, Nicholas & Charlotte going for a walk at Otari
2017-06-16 08-40-20
Looking out over the hills from the bus stop
2017-07-11 07-28-31
Early morning mist over the Wilton valley
2017-07-11 07-28-512
Early morning mist over the Wilton valley
2017-07-11 07-30-521
Early morning mist over the Wilton valley
2017-07-11 07-31-521
Early morning mist over the Wilton valley
2017-07-11 07-32-171
Early morning mist over the Wilton valley