2015-03-25 16-27-13
Charlotte holding Cocoa on the sofa.
2015-03-25 16-27-30
Charlotte holding Cocoa on the sofa.
2015-04-17 15-43-24
AJ and Cocoa on the catbed.
2015-05-21 20-44-36
Yoda, Cocoa & Yoda on the bed
2015-05-21 20-44-46
Yoda, Cocoa & Yoda on the bed
2015-07-15 15-21-07
AJ and Cocoa on the bed.
2015-07-25 11-31-23
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-25
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-28
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-31-38
Charlotte cuddingg Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-32-32
Charlotte & Nicholas cuddling Cocoa
2015-07-25 11-33-08
Charlotte & Nicholas cuddling Cocoa
2015-08-21 16-20-13
Charlotte sleeping with Cocoa
2015-09-10 10-27-57
Cocoa, AJ & Yoda all squeezing into one bed
2015-09-15 21-38-33
Charlotte sleeping with Cocoa