2020-07-11 13-59-36
Down at the Otaki river
2020-07-11 14-09-19
Down at the Otaki river
2017-12-25 06-26-30
Santa sack time
2017-12-25 06-27-46
Santa sack time
2017-12-25 10-23-19
Present time
2017-12-25 10-23-37
Present time
2017-12-25 13-40-02
Lego time
2015-12-25 06-53-01
Christopher opening presents from Santa
2015-12-25 06-58-54
Christoper opening presents from Santa
2015-12-25 13-39-03
Cleaning up form Christmas lunch
2015-12-23 13-04-04
Relaxing at PIp and Daves place
2013-12-25 07-10-54
Charlotte, Eddie & Nicholas holding Christopher
2013-12-25 13-37-37
Uncle Dave watching Charlotte play with Christopher
2013-12-25 13-37-44
Uncle Dave watching Charlotte play with Christopher
2013-10-28 10-54-24
Pip holding Christopher