2008-12-26 14-10-06
Nicholas playing outside with Grandma keeping watch
2008-12-26 15-05-58
Grandma and Eddie playing in the paddling pool
2008-07-06 14-30-56
Eddie and Lynne walking in the padock at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-41
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-12
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-39
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-21
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-12-24 21-09-50
Grandma reading bedtime stories to Eddie in the engine shed.
2008-12-24 21-09-36
Grandma reading bedtime stories to Eddie in the engine shed.
2008-12-26 14-09-20
Nicholas playing outside with Grandma keeping watch
2007-12-25 07-33-24
Christmas Day at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-14
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2008-07-06 14-34-23
Lynne and Eddie playing on the seesaw at Rathdroma
2017-12-25 15-15-12
Nicholas helping Grandma make dip
2017-12-25 13-39-43
Grandma in the kitchen