2002-11-24 16-42-35
Amy Michael and Rachel cooking the sausages
2003-04-05 19-42-14
Rachel and Amy peeling
2007-10-20 17-05-35
Edward the motorbike rider
2002-09-27 20-14-16
Natasha licking the bowl
2002-09-28 15-54-18
Neale and Judy "Rubbing out" the writing on the White board
2002-09-28 20-56-09
Everybody dancing
2002-09-28 23-11-15
And the winner is
2002-11-24 16-18-41
Lynne explaining what to do
2003-08-29 22-28-54
pegal Puzzle Night
2002-09-27 20-14-27
Judy helping Natasha lick the bowl
2002-09-28 23-22-31
People not dancing
2002-11-24 16-43-27
2002-09-28 23-22-18
Everybody dancing
2002-09-27 20-14-59
Natasha licking the bowl
Rover Barn Dance 2003