2018-09-08 13-52-07
Warming up in the hallway
2018-09-08 18-07-59
Drama between the shows performance
2018-09-08 18-09-29
Drama between the shows performance
2018-08-30 17-51-10
The pit open and the set on stage
2018-09-02 12-36-05
Somone is stuck in the Mummy
2018-09-02 16-40-06
Andrew Rodgers silver Tui award presentation
2018-09-06 18-58-13
Stage crew silly hat night - Zach
2018-09-06 21-37-51
H VGS 2018 Back at Brookfield
2018-09-06 21-48-24
HVGS 2018 Riding along on the crest of a wave
2018-09-07 22-11-13
Friday night crunchie awards
2018-09-07 22-13-02
Friday night crunchie awards
2018-09-08 21-53-18
Mike is speechless after the final show
2018-09-08 22-09-42
Saturday night Crunchie awards
2018-09-02 16-34-062
Richard Smolniciki being awarded is Bronze Tiki award
2018-09-04 22-02-12
Tuesday night Crunchie awards