2013-07-28 20-32-28
Rob Reading to Charlotte
2013-07-28 20-32-45
Rob Reading to Charlotte
2013-10-12 15-45-53
Rob putting one of the posts in for the new clothes line
2013-10-12 15-46-12
Rob putting one of the posts in for the new clothes line
2013-10-12 15-46-32
Rob putting one of the posts in for the new clothes line
2013-10-12 15-46-46
Rob putting one of the posts in for the new clothes line
2013-10-12 15-48-03
Rob putting one of the posts in for the new clothes line
2015-01-01 12-29-35
Rachel, Charlotte & Rob sitting on the drive
2014-07-30 09-21-58
Don cutting down the cabbage tree
2015-01-01 12-26-26
Rob Comming up the steps
2015-01-01 12-27-24
Rachel & Rob sitting on the drive
2015-01-01 12-28-46
Rachel & Rob sitting on the drive
2015-01-06 10-14-47
Cocoa and AJ sitting on Rob's lap
2015-08-09 12-37-48
Rob, Eddie, Charlotte and Nicholas deconstructing the old sofa.
2016-02-21 13-00-58
Rob in the hole for the extra clothes line post