2002-02-22 19-09-42
2002-02-23 14-01-12
Rob stuffing newspaper into the bottom of the giant gumboot
2002-02-23 14-07-09
Rob in the giant gumboot
2002-02-25 19-01-28
2002-03-02 00-26-12
2002-03-02 00-26-25
2002-03-29 22-15-55
Rachel and Rob
2002-03-29 22-16-09
Rachel and Rob
2002-03-31 14-09-12
Regal behind their banner
2002-05-28 10-22-35
Rob getting his hand moulded for the sculpture
2002-05-30 19-30-02
The New Zealanders in front of a Korean drum
2002-05-30 19-32-35
Rob with Mrs and Roger Moore (James Bond)
2002-05-31 01-36-52
Drerek annd Rob on the bus
2002-06-20 22-02-04
Debbie and two of "The Boys"
2002-11-24 21-21-36
Rachel feeding Roberts face