2017-09-16 19-37-32
Charlotte and Lucy in the Kiwi house tunnel at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 20-50-13
Trying to spot a giraffe at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-11-26
Otters at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-29-05
Making fruit kebabs for the lemurs at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-57-29
the animal food preparation area at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 09-17-57
A blue-tounged skink at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-16-05
A gibbon at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-55-28
the animal food preparation area at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-56-45
A Flemish rabbit at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 09-22-41
A blue-tounged skink at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 20-35-32
Nicholas in the dark at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-27-57
Making fruit kebabs for the lemurs at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 09-16-32
A capybara at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 20-05-02
Nicholas at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-42-23
A lemur at Wellington Zoo