2017-09-17 08-17-42
A gibbon at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-18-42
Walking around the Wellington Zoo during the Kea & Cub Sleepover
2017-09-17 08-20-47
A green iguana at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-35-36
The tunnel to the kiwi house at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 20-48-20
Trying to spot a giraffe at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-54-56
the animal food preparation area at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-55-46
Zoo Keeper says sign at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 20-48-45
Trying to spot a giraffe at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-28-08
Making fruit kebabs for the lemurs at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 08-28-15
Making fruit kebabs for the lemurs at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-41-21
The Kiwi houes at Wellington Zoo with the lights on
2017-09-17 08-53-55
A kunekune pig at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 09-08-57
A sun bear at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-17 09-21-43
A blue-tounged skink at Wellington Zoo
2017-09-16 19-29-59
Briefing in the Archibald Centre at Wellington Zoo at the start of the Kea & Cub sleepover