2018-08-26 14-16-42
Nicholas, Charlotte & Rachel at Gang Show Rehearsal
2020-12-15 08-18-451
Last day of school fro 2020 and Nicholas's last day at Otari School
2015-02-14 16-16-31
Charlotte & Nicholas blowing out hteir candles at their pool party
2015-02-14 16-16-28
Charlotte & Nicholas blowing out hteir candles at their pool party
2015-02-14 16-16-32
Charlotte & Nicholas blowing out hteir candles at their pool party
2020-11-14 19-31-59
Having a BBQ at Otari
2020-12-23 12-51-16
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-23 12-50-38
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-23 12-51-14
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-12-23 12-51-31
Rachel and the children in the car ont he way to Hawkes Bay
2020-11-07 12-10-372
Rachel, Charlotte, Daniel, Rob, Nicholas & Eddie at Thyme Cafe
2020-11-07 12-10-373
Rachel, Charlotte, Daniel, Rob, Nicholas & Eddie at Thyme Cafe
2013-07-27 13-13-44
Rob, Rachel, Eddie, Charlotte & Nicholas on a train ride at the Steam Incorporated open day