2020-05-15 14-31-10
Nicholas, Charlotte & Rachel int he car
2010-12-24 17-20-46
Mummy helping Charlotte walk
2015-05-09 20-57-25
Charlotte listening to music on the couch
2014-02-23 15-00-021
National MudSlide Day 2014
2012-09-14 19-37-28
Rachel & Charlotte in the Kitchen
2011-12-25 07-23-57
Charlotte playing with her pompom's
2013-01-31 21-34-16
Charlotte & Rachel sitting on the couch patting AJ
2017-12-25 20-02-30
Charlotte sitting on Rachel
2021-01-30 11-11-27
Rachel wearing Charlotte's hat
2017-12-25 20-02-36
Charlotte sitting on Rachel
2015-05-09 20-57-15
Charlotte listening to music on the couch
2020-11-27 20-04-282
Charlotte & Rachel
2015-05-09 20-56-55
Charlotte listening to music on the couch
2020-11-27 20-04-281
Charlotte & Rachel
2020-11-27 20-05-042
Charlotte & Rachel