2002-10-15 20-22-07
Alex building a mini tripod while Rachel looks on
2002-10-15 20-25-38
Ginger standing on a mini tripod
2007-08-21 20-16-02
Northland Scouts Cooking (and Eating)
2009-10-13 18-20-44
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.
2009-10-13 18-31-46
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.
2009-10-13 18-41-27
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.
2009-10-13 18-41-33
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.
2009-10-13 18-42-49
Northland Scout Group gathering - Investing Keas.
2009-10-13 18-43-18
Northland Scout Group gathering - Investing Keas.
2009-10-13 18-46-34
Northland Scout Group gathering - Investing Keas.
2009-10-13 18-48-09
Northland Scout Group gathering - Investing Cubs.
2009-10-13 18-48-22
Northland Scout Group gathering - Investing Cubs.
2009-10-13 18-51-20
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.
2009-10-13 18-51-29
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.
2009-10-13 18-51-37
Northland Scout Group gathering for investitures and presentation of Robs Wood Beads and BP Award.