2007-12-26 07-36-39
Edward & Rachel on the ferry on the way to Jamboree
2007-12-26 07-42-03
Edward & Rachel on the ferry on the way to Jamboree
2007-08-21 20-16-02
Northland Scouts Cooking (and Eating)
2004-06-26 17-42-52
Gang Show final camp
2003-09-06 15-25-46
Performin g Arts Camp
2003-09-06 15-44-00
Performin g Arts Camp
2003-08-21 18-26-30
Wellington West Swimming Sports
2003-08-21 18-30-18
Wellington West Swimming Sports
2002-10-15 20-22-07
Alex building a mini tripod while Rachel looks on
2002-10-15 20-25-38
Ginger standing on a mini tripod
2002-08-31 08-42-07
Washing up from breakfast
2002-08-31 09-42-18
The proomt (Rachel) hard at work
2002-08-31 16-31-26
Tony issuing instructions with Rachel in the foreground
2002-08-14 22-27-26
Tina, Rachel, and Jarrad painting the posh parlour
2002-08-14 22-27-59
Rachel taking a break from painting